Tuesday, May 15, 2012

my smoovy

So I have a new breakfast habit, which Fiona refers to as my "smoovy".  It started with my raiding our freezer downstairs and discovering that we still had last summer's strawberries to gobble through before June comes and we go picking again (wearing fleece, as with most years, but I digress...). 

I also started seeing a naturopath to figure out my headaches, my low energy, my sinus issues, my "funk" basically.  She asked about my diet, which sometimes includes a smoovy in the morning - of yogurt, fruit, and flax seeds.  She gave me a few more ingredients to toss into the blender: a handful of greens for my lack of morning energy; protein powder for that little extra boost; oils, such as coconut oil, flax oil, or just some avocado to combat my dehydration (which often leads to headaches); and my favorite ingredient: maca.  What the heck is maca? According to the packaging of the dried powdery stuff, maca is a plant native to the Andes that is claimed to have been used by Incan warriors for stamina and *wink wink* stamina.  So it is my new secret ingredient, much discussed and giggled over during our Girls Weekend a few weeks ago, when I was still experimenting with my new recipe.  I think everyone quietly liked the added oomph - although, and forgive me for sounding so Portland, but I only wish I could get it locally grown. 

And the verdict?  The oils are definitely making a dent in my overall dry constitution.  The protein and maca are contributing to lower morning fatigue, but generally fatigue still ebbs and flows - I bet having three small children has something to do with that.  It is muddy and sometimes the color of moss.  But I've got the whole family in love with my smoovy (well, the kids don't get maca).  Overall, mmm... my smoovy is a hit!

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